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The Vineyard story is about ordinary people who worship and serve an extraordinary God. The Vineyard is simply one thread in the rich tapestry of the historic and global Church of Jesus Christ. But it is a thread of God’s weaving.


What We Believe

Our Core Values...

  • Experience & Worship God

  • Partner with the Holy Spirit

  • Reconcile People with God & all Creation

  • Engage in Compassionate Ministry

  • Pursue Culturally Relevant Mission in the World


A Few of Our Distinctives...

  • Worshippers of God and Rescuers Of People.

  • Everyone Gets to Play.

  • Remember the poor.

  • Come Holy Spirit.

  • The Main And the Plain.

  • The Now And the Not Yet.

  • Come As You Are, But Don’t Stay As You Are. 

  • Naturally Supernatural.

  • Equipping the Saints.

  • Plant Churches That Will Plant Churches.

  • Faith is spelled “R-I-S-K.”

  • Leaders Who Walk With a Limp.



God is eager to be known and experienced by all. We believe that God is searching for lost humanity in order to draw us into intimate relationship with Himself.  In response to God’s initiative, we value the life-changing power of the experience of His presence. The primary place where that relationship is nurtured and developed is in the act of worship – both private and corporate. So, experience-based worship is the central activity of all that we do in the Vineyard.  


It is worship that causes all else that we do to become an act of worship. We experience God’s presence as a palpable reality when we worship. As we worship, we become increasingly sensitive and responsive to the Spirit’s presence so that we can do as Jesus did: “See what the Father is doing,” (John 5:19) and support His work with our lives.

We are a member of the Association of Vineyard Churches USA. 

Download a copy of our statement of faith at the following link: 

VineyardUSA Statement of Faith




A Bit of the Vineyard History

In late 1976, a small group of believers began to meet together in a home to seek the Lord. None of them realized their true state of spiritual health. They knew they were weak and tired, but they had no idea how weak. Some of those who gathered had been trying for years to serve the Lord. Others were excited in their new faith, but not really going anywhere. God in his mercy opened their eyes so they could see who they really were. It was a painful experience for them to realize how spiritually desperate they had become. When they gathered, their only goal was to seek the Lord.


As they worshipped, they sensed the presence of the Lord and felt a renewal of spiritual strength. This small group grew from 12 people to 50 people in a few weeks. People were coming back to the Lord who had been wandering spiritually for years and eventually over 125 people were meeting in a home group. On Mother’s Day, May 8, 1977, 150 people gathered in a gymnasium for the first time as the "Calvary Chapel of Yorba Linda." The late John Wimber began to teach on the subject of “Giving the Church Back to God” and asked pointed questions, like “When does God get what He wants out of the church?” 


John challenged this new church to apply the Scriptures to their lives as both hearers and doers of the word. He constantly taught on the Kingdom of God and how Jesus not only taught about the Kingdom of God , but also demonstrated the workings of the Kingdom of God. Five years later, on Mother’s Day 1982, a young “Jesus People” evangelist named Lonnie Frisbee came to speak on a Sunday evening and at the end of his talk he said, “For years now the Holy Spirit has been grieved by the church, but He’s getting over it. Come Holy Spirit.” And He came. What happened in the ensuing months was a major outpouring of the Holy Spirit on that congregation of 700. 


From that outpouring, the Vineyard churches were started, developing into a movement that has traveled around the globe. The Association of Vineyard Churches (AVC) is a community of fellowships who have like-minded values and vision. Each fellowship is autonomous in its government, policy, structure, finances, church discipline and style of ministry, yet are banded together for mutual encouragement, support and partnering together to advance the Kingdom of God. Through many localized expressions, Vineyard churches aim to:


• Worship God and stand on the ancient truth of Scripture, the guide for life and service;
• Grow as a people of both the Word and Spirit, imbued with power for the purpose of making and nurturing mature disciples of Jesus Christ;
• Create reproducible communities of worship, discipleship, evangelism and service;
• Serve the Father in the power of the Spirit, following Jesus’ example of proclaiming and manifesting the kingdom of God 


Today, the Association of Vineyard Churches consists of over 550 congregations in the United States and over 2,400 churches worldwide in over 95 countries.  


For more information about the Vineyard visit the following links:






Vineyard history




​"The Church is not the building; it's the people. 

It's not just the gathering; it's also the scattering." 

-John Wimber, founder of the Vineyard Association of Churches








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